Shadow Complex Remastered—the updated version of Chair Entertainment’s 2009 action-exploration game— hits the PS4, Steam and Windows on May 3.
The makers of hit iOS game Infinity Blade II say this is what their game looks like when it runs on the new iPad. We…
I haven't had a chance to check out Infinity Blade II yet, but I loved the first and Totilo seems to like the…
With advent season beginning yesterday, commenter Fontane couldn't have picked a better time for the annual plea…
Infinity Blade II, the big sequel to one of the most acclaimed games on the iPhone and iPad will cost $6.99 when it…
A blockbuster hit in the iTunes App Store, Epic Games' Infinity Blade has grown too big to be contained by a…
One of our favorite iPhone and iPad games is getting a sequel on December 1. Make way for Infinity Blade 2, from…
Epic Games' handsome iPhone and iPad hit Infinity Blade adds its promised multiplayer side this Thursday, May 19…
With just two days until Kotaku's Japan Earthquake Relief fundraiser, two more companies have sent us silent auction…
Computer, console, phone, tablet: The more devices that can play games the better for gamers.
Chair Entertainment spices up sexy iPhone swordfest Infinity Blade with The Deathless Kings, a free update that…
We were prepared for tomorrow's free update to iPhone/iPad/iTouch hit Infinity Blade. New armor, new helmets, new…
Shadow Complex creator Chair Entertainment brings its Unreal Engine powered action game Infinity Blade (formerly…

This launch trailer gives you a good look at Infinity Blade, the role-playing game for iPhone 4 (and iPad and iPod…
Donald Mustard, creative director of Chair Entertainment (Shadow Complex), sees a bright future for gaming on a…
The iPhone is getting its first game from the people who make Gears of War and the developer of Shadow Complex this…

If you missed yesterday's Apple event, you may have also missed Gears of War and Unreal Engine developer Epic…
Thanks to some digging from the MTV Multiplayer blog, we've got a glimpse today of one of the prototype maps for the…
Chair Entertainment may approve of players sequence-breaking Shadow Complex, but it does not condone cheaters who…