Sure, Call of Duty: Ghosts could sometimes feel kind of eh, but it wasn't all bad. In fact, the levels where you got…
In a matter of weeks, EA's Battlefield 4 and Activision's Call of Duty: Ghosts will represent their respective…
"We're adding a dog to Call of Duty," they said. "It'll be really cool." And we assumed they meant it; we assumed…
Hard if you like dogs and video games, anyway.
Will they? Won't they? Following the reveal of Riley, Call of Duty: Ghost's awesome dog, people couldn't help but won…
Another year, another Call of Duty. You know how this stuff works; we get another title which finds new ways to lead…
Like the Highlander, there can be only one.
Nerd rapper Adam Warrock has worked around the clock to bring you "MOCAPPED DAWGZ (NEXT GEN ISH)", a track partly…
Which would you rather play? I think I'd go for Ghost Dog, because not only is the idea of a Call of Duty Dog game fantastic, this mock cover by Redditor Auto_aim1 is also excellent. Read more
Map packs? Please. The future of Call of Duty DLC must surely be new dogs. Hopefully the first will be this Corgi,…
Curious what a Call of Duty game might be like if it actually starred Call of Duty Dog? Check out Brandon Sheffield's interactive-fiction game Call of Doggie: Ghosts. Oorah. Read more
Yesterday, when we all met Call of Duty Dog for the first time, the first thing I said was, "Aww, a dog!" The second…
Yesterday, when we all met Call of Duty Dog for the first time, the first thing we said was, "Aww, a dog!" The…
Ask anyone who watched today's Microsoft press event to name the most memorable announcement and they'll probably…