Some Easter eggs and secrets aren’t actually that hard to find. Sometimes they are even connected to achievements or…
Brothers In Arms: Furious Four was a weird departure from Gearbox's venerable WW2 series, so weird that it ended up…
You won't be seeing Brothers In Arms: Furious Four anymore, developer Gearbox announced at their PAX Prime panel…
While there were rumours earlier this year that Brothers in Arms: Furious Four, the Inglorious Basterds-esque…
We haven't heard much out of Brothers in Arms: Furious 4, a game announced a year ago at E3, one that is quite a…
At last year's E3, lots of people sat up and took notice at Brothers in Arms: Furious 4, Gearbox Studios' radical…
The next Brothers in Arms will be the E3-announced over-the-top, gleeful Nazi-killing Furious 4, but fans of the…
Gearbox Studios will be releasing a new game in the Brothers in Arms series, it was revealed today during Ubisoft's…
This may be a bit of a leap. But we've spotted Gearbox Software's Randy Pitchford in the VIP section for Ubisoft's…
Borderlands is a fresh take on the first-person shooter. Even then, there was concern at developer Gearbox Software…
In game after game, there they are: guns. Weapons are a common trope. They are a catalyst for action and an…
In the 1940s, 1950s and right on through the 1960s, Hollywood churned out war epic after war epic. Sure, we still…
War is a theme that has always been found in the video game medium; leaps in game presentation have typically…
Gameloft have released Brothers In Arms: Hour Of Heroes for the iPhone, bringing 14 missions over 3 theater…
Update: Gearbox president Randy Pitchford tells us that the Sega published Aliens project is still on, that the…
We'd have thrown in some quip about this being the 1,174th time Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway has been delayed,…
My colleague Tracey John at the Multiplayer blog appears to have outdone herself, indexing 31 video game comics.…