Bejeweled is an eye-roller. It's The Da Vinci Code of video games or the Lady Gaga or whatever your favorite example…
PopCap Games is "retiring" Bejeweled 2 + Blitz from iTunes today, replacing it with another version of Bejeweled…
Laura and Chris Sheriff will celebrate their first wedding anniversary this week. Among their favorite past-times:…

Bejeweled 3 is an excellent video game. Normal people play it on computers. But special people—people who work at…
What will the $750 million buy out of PopCap Games, makers of Plants vs. Zombies and Bejeweled, do to the beloved…
PopCap games is auctioning off art from its games for children's charities in the US and UK. The auction runs from…
While more mainstream video games are under fire for causing depression, a new study at East Carolina University…
PopCap is bringing the 60-second action of Facebook's Bejeweled Blitz to Xbox Live Arcade later this year with…
Aiur Chef? Left 2 Die? StarJeweled? Blizzard DOTA? What's going on with the four new official game modes coming to…
Today is Binary Day, being that it's 10/10/10 - and that goes for both here and Europe. And to continue its 10-month…
PopCap Games, the company behind ridiculously addictive games like Bejeweled and Plants Vs. Zombies, has teamed up…
PopCap kicks off a ten month long tenth birthday celebration today for Bejeweled, the causal gaming sensation…
The former general manager of Xbox Live Arcade and v.p. at Peggle studio PopCap is going to Blizzard. Let the…
Zombies are THE pop-cultural touchstones of our times. There is probably a deep-seated psychological reason for this…
One of PopCap Games biggest money makers got a sequel in Bejeweled Twist yesterday, with the gem swapping, color…