TriForce Sales has finalized work on its painstakingly-detailed replica of the Lancer from Gears of War, and it can be yours come February for the low, low price of $1000.
Okay, $949.99, but I very much doubt that $50 under is going to sway anyone to the dark side of video game collectibles. TriForce's Lancer has been crafted by some of the biggest names in the business. Names like Erick Sosa, William Valenzuela, Jorge Martinez, Toi Ogunyoku and painter, Paul Komoda. Names you probably don't know, but again, don't think they'll matter that much in this purchasing decision. What matters is that this is a 40-inch long, 15-pound 1::1 model of an iconic video game weapon, and if that's your kind of thing, then it's your kind of thing.
The Lancer is limited to 500 pieces worldwide, so if you are feeling at all compelled, I'd suggest heading to the product page and preordering. Or buying us all pizza for a week.