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You Might Be Addicted to Games If You Believe This Dumb Study

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Silly research time! A study done by a Korean doctor lists criteria which supposedly show whether or not you are prone to game addiction.

Reported by Kuki News (via tipster Sang) as well as on numerous other Korean sites, the study was spearheaded by Doctor Uh Ki Joon* at research center Korea Computer Life Lab. Dr. Uh looked at 654 cases of teens addicted to video games.

From that pool, the doctor gleaned that you are prone to video game addiction if you meet the following criteria.

- Male teenager (in 98.2% of the cases, this was true)

- Part of a nuclear family and don't live with extended family (88%)

- No religion (66.1%)

- First-born child (65.6%)

- Have siblings (54.7%)

- Have a stay-at-home mom (53.2%)

- Closeness with parents described as "normal" (34.9%)

- High school student (32.5%)

Eh... Um. Yeah. These are pretty fucking big brushes we are painting with to draw all sorts of odd conclusions. Might as well add "Is human" and "Has computer" to the list.


Dr. Uh's big conclusion was that once a youth reaches middle school, the stay-at-home mother will have difficulty controlling online game play time. That's why, according to the doctor, it's necessary for fathers to intervene. He also thinks online game prevention should begin at elementary school level. Why not start in the womb?


Top photo: Halfbottle | Shutterstock

*Not pictured

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