What an age we live in. PlayStation consoles, by the pound.
From time to time—thanks, Goodwill Goblin!—Goodwill will clear out excess stock online in bulk, and here are two very big examples of that. First, a “GAYLORD OF VARIOUS PLAYSTATION CONSOLES” (as a non-American, I had to google that one, it means a very big, strong cardboard box), containing 912lbs of PlayStation 2s, 3s and 4s (that I can see anyway, who knows what lurks beneath). (The reason the weights are different on the boxes is because they include the pallet and box weight, not just the contents - Twitchy-eyed Ed)

These haven’t been tested, or cleaned, so who knows how many of those 912lbs are made up of dirt and dead roaches.

If a console graveyard isn’t for you, how about a “GAYLORD OF CORDS, CABLES, CONTROLLERS FOR GAMES”, which is 604lbs of all kinds of shit, and looks less like a bulk purchase and more like my video game collection every time I move house.
Both boxes are currently up for auction, the PlayStation consoles asking for a minimum bid of $800, the controllers $650. And if you want to keep up to date on more wild auctions like this, Goodwill Goblin has you covered.