Yoko Taro did not make Monster Hunter Rise, but he certainly has some ideas for the game’s plot.
On Twitter, the Nier creator listed out a version of the plot he concocted while playing through the game. Youtuber and Monster Hunter expert Gaijinhunter did a translation of Yoko’s suggestions, which can be read below:
As I play MHRise, here is a story I thought up
- After the tutorial there is a rampage and the buff old man acts as a shield to save everyone but dies. In fact, he dies due to a mistake made by the player.
- Either the dango girl or the buddy plaza kid dies. The one who doesn’t falls into darkness and sets fire to Kamura village. The chorus from the buddy plaza BGM no longer plays.
- The last boss arrives but nothing you can do will harm it, but you can sacrifice one of the twins and make a weapon out of her that will damage it. You the player has to the choose which of the girls. After creating the weapon, there is no longer singing in the village BGM.
- As main characters die out, they are replaced by the store generic NPCs, and they start to come to the conclusion that the player is a danger to the village. They start restricting items and weapons, making the game more difficult.
- During a super hard quest, the target monster is able to talk. They tell you the “true meaning” behind the monsters and Kamura village, and we learn the reason why our hunter has a voice in this game.
- After clearing all the village quests, the village is left asunder. You can only play online multiplayer. The players, who have lost everything, can only go on killing monsters in this cold and barren world. (Title of the game is shown)
(You can follow Gaijinhunter on Twitter right here. Be sure to check out his YouTube channel, too.)
Whaddaya think? Would you want to play Yoko Taro’s Monster Hunter?
In case you missed them, check out Kotaku’s Monster Hunter Rise impressions here and here.