XCOM: Enemy Unknown is coming to Google Play and the Amazon Appstore "soon," according to the game's official Twitter account. This is great news for all the mobile gamers out there who've long felt the sting of not owning an iPhone or iPad. Not only is Enemy Unknown one of Kotaku's all-time favorite ways to kill space aliens. It's also one of the rare examples of a thoroughly "hardcore" game that made an astonishing transition to a new mobile-friendly format, snagging itself a hard-earned spot on our list of top iPad games in the process.
Update: the game is now available for ten bucks on Android's Google Play store. Still no official word for when it's coming to the Amazon Appstore exactly.
To contact the author of this post, write to yannick.lejacq@kotaku.com or find him on Twitter at @YannickLeJacq.