It’s likely that if you are reading these words on this website, you already know how hard it can be to get your hands on the new consoles. Well, I’ve got some bad news straight from Xbox VP of gaming Phil Spencer: Finding a console ain’t getting easier anytime soon.
As spotted and transcribed by VGC, Phil Spencer spoke to The Wrap recently and explained that while chip shortages were partly to blame for the ongoing console shortages, there was more going on with the situation.
“I think it’s probably too isolated to talk about it as just a chip problem,” Spencer said. “When I think about, what does it mean to get the parts necessary to build a console today, and then get it to the markets where the demand is, there are multiple kind of pinch points in that process. And I think regretfully it’s going to be with us for months and months, definitely through the end of this calendar year and into the next calendar year.”
Spencer claims he and everyone at Mircosoft is working hard to get consoles out the door and into people’s homes, but he expects it will continue to be a challenge for “quite a while.”
“The thing that’s most disappointing is just the fan disappointment,” Spencer admitted. “People really want this new generation of consoles—they’re good consoles, both from us and the other platform holders—and they want the new functionality.”
Read More: You Still Don’t Need A PS5
Almost a year after next-gen consoles first launched, Phil Spencer’s comments are just the latest bit of evidence that things aren’t getting better anytime soon. The continuing problems created by global chip shortages, issues with covid-19, extremely high demand, shitty resellers, and bots have combined to create a perfect and terrible storm that means most players are still unable to find either next-gen console.
It’s even become tricky to find an older c0nsole. I ran into this not too long ago when earlier this year I tried to go to a store to buy an Xbox One for a younger family member and discovered the store had zero PS4s or Xboxs to sell me.
An actor from Deathloop was able to use his star power and Bethesda’s corporate connections to score a PS5 recently, but for most folks that’s not a viable option. Instead, to get your hands on a PS5 or Xbox Series X you’ll need to jump through some hoops.