I thought I warned you guys against trying to reenact that Battlefield 3 jet swap maneuver? Which one of you did this?
Apparently it was Shia LaBeouf—or at least someone who looks like him, amirite? YouTube users filmageddon have recreated the impossible with this live-action version of the jet swap. They even make a little jab at freddiew, the well-known YouTube user who makes hilarious and often awesome special effect videos. Take a close look and you'll catch it.
- WATCH: It's that famous jet swap again, but live-action and found above.
- WATCH: Carjacking in GTA is met with some retaliation.
- PLAY: Mass Effect Infiltrator is our Gaming App of the Day.
- WATCH: Here's a quick, one-minute summary of most of the Metal Gear Solid lore.
Did you see a particularly interesting video on the Internet? Know a friend who puts together awesome video game movies? If you have suggestions for Watch This, Play This, drop me a line at tina@kotaku.com and you may just see it featured here the next day.