World of Warcraft’s The War Within has brought several new features to the title, including a new talent system that gives us a few more passives and customization options. Starting at level 71, you will gain access to the latest talent tree that lets you build upon your character even further.
Let’s take a look at what Hero Talents are available, how they work, and some of the cool things they bring to your character.
Hero Talents Overview
There are 11 points total in each new Hero Talent tree, but you must first choose the specialization to add a talent point to, just as you would for your main spec. One of the cool features introduced with the Hero Talent tree is for hunters, which introduces the Dark Ranger Hero Talent tree that lets us live out our wildest Sylvannas Windrunner fantasy.

The number of Hero Talent specs to choose from will depend on what class you play. For example, Demon Hunters will only be able to choose from Aldrachi Reaver and Fel-Scarred, while Druids will have Druid of the Claw, Elune’s Chosen, Keeper of the Grove, and Wildstalker to choose from.
With that said, most of the classes have two trees to choose from as they would for their main specialization. It is also worth noting that each of these Hero talent trees are only available for certain specs. Let’s take the Druid as an example once again: Feral and Restoration Druids have the Wildstalker Hero Talent tree as an option, while Balance and Guardian Druids have access to the Elune’s Chosen tree. This is all dependent on your current main specialization, so you will not have access to all four Hero trees as a Restoration Druid.

Each Hero Talent tree builds on abilities you currently have in your toolkit, but will also start with a new Keystone talent that can be either a new ability or based on an ability you already have. The bottom of this new tree is known as the Capstone talent, which adds power to the Keystone talent at the top, or blends all of the themes in the tree to create a cohesive build.
Each of these new talents build on another, and one key difference between this tree and your main talent tree is that all of them unlock once you hit level 80, so no need to pick and choose what you feel is more important along the way.
So get in there, start spending points in your Hero Talent trees, to make the most of new skills available in World of Warcraft The War Within.