SNK Allstar is a mobile King of Fighters game. And like any good mobile game, it dropped a doozy of an advertisement earlier today.
That’s Terry Bogard slapping Kula Diamond, Mai Shiranui, and Blue Mary’s asses. Kula, for those unaware, is 14 years old.
Unfortunately, the ad ends before the three women go Death Proof on his ass.
Update (10/28/2020, 12:43 p.m. ET): SNK has responded, saying it had no involvement in the production of this SNK Allstar advertisement.
“SNK played no part in the creation of the ad, had no prior knowledge of its content, and has filed a complaint with the partners involved asking for the ad to be taken down immediately,” the Twitter statement reads. “We sincerely apologize to our fans that such an offensive ad managed to make it to public release and hope for your understanding. We will strive to do better in the future along with our partners.”
We have replaced the removed Facebook post with a third-party upload for posterity.