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Why Do Ubisoft End Animal Games With An Inappropriate "Z"?

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Yeah, it was a joke. The new Prince of Persia DS game is not called Imagine: Prinze of Perzia. But it so could have been. Why? Because Ubisoft love putting the letter "Z" at the end of their game titles. Petz, Babyz, Catz, Dogz, they love it. Even if you don't. So why do they persist with it? Is it some cunning marketing ploy? Some means of tapping into our consumerist subconscious? Sadly, no. Speaking with Gamasutra about the latest Dogz title, Ubisoft's Benoit Galarneau said "This title was [originally] developed in 1995 when PF Magic released the first of the series, and we kept it. And since it's always there and nobody else is doing it, maybe it's coming back into fashion". Maybe! Though maybe nobody else is doing it is because 1995 was a long time ago.

Ubisoft's Galarneau On The Rise Of The Petz [Gamasutra]