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White Guys Creeping Out Asian Women on Dating Sites

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The dating scene can be tough. It can also be awkward. And creepy. And even racist.

A Tumblr site called Creepy White Guys is a collection of unsettling messages Asian women have been receiving on dating sites like OKCupid.

Messages like:

Docile? Submissive? Bwah?

So clever!

No. Actually. I hadn't. Good thing you did!


This sort of thing—to varying degrees—is true pretty much everywhere, and it's not just white dudes creeping out Asian women. It's about the majority forming preconceived notions about a minority and then acting on them in a very awkward and ultimately supremely creepy way. You see this kind of thing in North America, you see it in Europe, you see it in Asia—you see it all over the globe.


So wherever there's a majority, this is going on in one form or another. Anytime you are not part of the majority, you probably find yourself marginalized with comments about your hair, your eyes, or your skin color as well as stereotypes about your race or nationality.

Creepy White Guys [Tumblr via Angry Asian Man via ShanghaiIst

(Top photo: Alexander Demyanenko | Shutterstock)

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