Stephanie Zachariadis, head writer of the highly anticipated Fallout: London mod, is leaving the development team after being hired as an associate quest designer at Bethesda Game Studios, project lead Dean Carter announced recently.
“This is utterly fantastic news and something that all of the team here at Fallout: London stand behind and we wholeheartedly wish her the best on her endeavors,” Carter wrote in the mod’s official Discord server. “We hope that she will give them the same groundbreaking story and quests that she gave us.”
Fallout: London is an ambitious Fallout 4 modification that was officially revealed earlier this year. Taking place in the time between the first two games and set leagues away from the franchise’s traditional Americana-inspired stomping grounds, Fallout: London features a massive new map to explore, fresh-faced factions to join, and an added focus on melee weapons over firearms.
Since the mod is entirely supported by volunteers, Fallout: London doesn’t yet have a concrete release date, but the team has released bits and pieces of its work to whet players’ appetites until launch.
An award-winning screenwriter and modder, Zachariadis joined the Fallout: London project in July 2020. The announcement of her leaving for Bethesda was greeted with warm congratulations from the mod’s community.
“Working here was one of the best experiences of my life,” Zachariadis responded in the mod’s Discord server after Carter’s announcement went live. “The people on this team are insanely talented and more than that are just wonderful people to be friends with.”
As for what this means for the future of Fallout: London, work doesn’t appear to be slowing down. Zachariadis apparently hammered out the main storyline and quests before her departure, and the team is looking for a new head writer to step in and wrap up the remaining dialogue.
“Stephanie has been a pillar of support for the team and has helped create a fantastic and interesting main story and dialogue that we feel you will really enjoy,” Carter added, “and we just know that she’ll be bringing these talents to the writing boards of [Bethesda Game Studios director Todd Howard] herself. We expect a bright future for her and we fully give her all of our support.”