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What's Happened To Nintendo's "New Play Control"?

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When first announced, Nintendo's line of "New Play Control" games seemed like a great idea. Repackage games from the criminally unloved GameCube, then sell them onto a massive audience that missed them first time around. So what's happened?

It's been over a year since the first "New Play Control" title was released in Japan, and since then, only a handful of games have been "updated" for the Wii with new features like Wii Remote compatibility and 16:9 visuals. And not many of them are any good.

So come on, Nintendo. Where are the rest? There are dozens of titles released on the GameCube that are due a second lease on life. Titles like these.


We've gone ahead and made a selection of some of the games we think are most deserving of a Wii re-release. Some, like Wind Waker, are purely for the 16:9 visuals. Others, like F-Zero, are because they're amazing games that never received the sales, or credit they were due, all because they were released on the poor little GameCube.


Also selected are a couple of amazing games that used Nintendo's fun, but under-utilised Game Boy Advance connectivity. Re-release them on the Wii and you can just split the screen and let four players go at it. Finally, we've also picked out a few classic titles from third-party publishers, which to date are yet to be represented in the New Play Control line.


While some may benefit from Wii controls and others may not, it's not - despite the line's name - all about the controller in your hand. The key point here is that there were many GameCube games that suffered unduly from problems plaguing the console itself; with the Wii now the best-selling platform in the world, this is more about giving those games a second chance with people who missed them first time around.

Mario Kart has sold over ten million copies on the Wii, and it wasn't even as good as Double Dash. Repackage the game with a new, whiter cover (to match Mario Kart Wii) and add Wii remote gameplay and it can be the easiest "sequel" Nintendo ever had to release.


Silicon Knights' port of the original Metal Gear Solid was a great remake, both in terms of its updated visuals and Nintendo cameos. It was never released in enough numbers to satisfy the needs of Metal Gear fans, so the least Konami and Nintendo could do would be to release it again.

Rebel Strike was probably the best of Factor 5's Star Wars games for Nintendo consoles. Anyone remember the fact it was the very first time you could get actual footage from a Star Wars movie on an optical disc?


A much better game than most gave it credit for, Billy Hatcher's egg-rolling gameplay is a revelation compared to most of the crap available on the Wii today. It also has the best damn intro song of all time.

Before he was famous for talking too much and releasing the awful Too Human, Silicon Knights' Denis Dyack was famous for this creepy thriller, which would be spoken of in the same breath as Alone in the Dark and Resident Evil if it hadn't been released solely on the GameCube.


A GBA-connectivity game that could shine on the Wii were four players simply given Wii Remotes and 1/4 of the screen. Though you'd need some honesty from your friends...OK, maybe this would also need some DS connectivity. But that's another wish for another day...

My favourite Zelda game of all time. My favourite game of all time. I don't care much for Wii Remote controls, but I'd love to see it in widescreen.


WipeOut may be the most famous "futuristic anti-grav racer" of all time, but this is probably better. On harder tracks it's an eye-melting blur, and like many games on this list, deserves another shot at the market.

No game needs a New Play Control re-release more than this. The amount of fun you can have playing Four Swords is almost indescribable, and if Nintendo could get it running on the Wii, a lot of people would be made very, very happy.