In some bizarre alternate universe, Ed Boon, not Masahiro Sakurai, lead development on Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii, devising the grisliest of hedgehog-on-dinosaur fatalities. Fortunately, that's not the case. Because I never wanted to see Link die like this.
Dorkly explores the "What If...?" scenario of Mortal Kombat style executions in the family friendliest of video games, Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. series. There are some hits (Sonic the Hedgehog's is pretty good!), some misses, and regrettably some bloody rectums.
I'm going to go look at some cute nintendogs + cats footage in an attempt to recover.
Dorkly Bits: Smash Bros. Fatalities [Dorkly via GoNintendo]
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