Let’s drop this pretense about what the weekend is for and get straight to the point. Of course I will be playing the free PlayStation 4 idol rhythm game from Square Enix this weekend. No one needs a post to tell them that. What’s that? It’s called Love Live! School Idol Festival ~after school ACTIVITY~ Wai-Wai! Home Meeting!!? Why am I even here today?
Sure, I’ll be doing Monster Hunter and maybe poking at Balan Wonderworld to see if that got any better following the demo that everyone except for me laughed at. But mostly I’ll be playing *takes a deep breath* Love Live! School Idol Festival ~after school ACTIVITY~ Wai-Wai! Home Meeting!!, the free-to-start version of the popular Japanese arcade game. The base version’s got eight songs to unlock and play, and I hear there might be some paid DLC.

Just a little.

So, what are you people playing this weekend? Does your game have a couple hundred dollars worth of downloadable content, or is it for sensible people?