It’s the weekend! The days may be longer and the weather may be warmer, but that doesn’t mean you can’t spend a bunch of time playing video games.
This weekend I’ll be playing a buuuuunch of different games. I’m heading up our coverage of the Oculus Rift, so I’ll be playing a bunch of the launch games: Eve: Valkyrie, Lucky’s Tale, Chronos and Elite: Dangerous, that sort of thing. I’m embargoed on the Rift until Monday, so expect to hear more then. Speaking of upcoming games, I’m also backing up our reviewer Patrick Klepek on Dark Souls III, which I’m excited to play.
I’ll also probably be playing more The Division if only to hang out in that nice cozy section of my base, but ever since I got a HE First Wave M1 as a boss drop I’m not that motivated to chase other loot. That’ll pretty much do it for me.
How about you? What are you playing this weekend?