How would like your own copy of the DJ Hero 2 Party Pack when the game hits later this month? We're giving away four copies of the big bundle on the site this week.
The DJ Hero 2 Party Bundle includes a copy of the game, two turntables and a microphone. If you're one of the four lucky winners we'll send the U.S. retail version of the game out to you on Oct. 19 when it official hits stores. We'll check in with you after you're picked to see if you want the game for the PS3, Wii or Xbox 360.
All you have to do is head over and join our official Facebook page and drop a comment on the "Comment here for a chance to win a DJ Hero 2 Party Bundle!" thread there (Here's a direct link to that thread). Your comment serves as an entry into a random drawing for the prize. You have until Monday morning to enter. We'll announce the winners Monday afternoon and contact them via their Facebook account.
We've turned the comments off on this post so that people who can't read instructions don't get confused about where to comment. (Hint: Not here, but on Facebook. FACEBOOK!)
And don't forget, this is just one of a month's worth of contests we're holding here on Kotaku to try and brighten your month in the lead up to the absurd games and spending of November.
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