When Sony first unveiled the PS Vita earlier this year in Tokyo, it showed the PS Vita's home screen, called the LiveArea. We've seen it before. Thing is, we've never seen it at this resolution.
Today, Sony provided at look at the PS Vita's LiveArea, which could be the final or near final version. Sony does note that this image could change.
The home screen features a cluster of bubbles: Welcome Park, Party, the PS Store, Group Messaging, Photos, Near, Trophies, Music, Friends and Browser.
At Sony's pre-TGS press event, it showed off Welcome Park, which featured a series of mini-games, such as turning photos into puzzles or number based tap games.
Sony also quickly showed how the Music feature and Photos will work, allowing picture viewing and music listening at the same time. Expect more details as Kotaku gets more hands on time with the Vita.
Previous LiveArea images didn't show Welcome Park, Group Messaging, or Photos.
You can contact Brian Ashcraft, the author of this post, at bashcraft@kotaku.com. You can also find him on Twitter, Facebook, and lurking around our #tips page.