This year is completely stuffed with video game remakes and remasters, like the gaming world is an overgrown hermit crab stubbornly holding onto a little cone-shaped shell. While you might wish to be born again every month or so, video games aren’t afraid to rehash what they are again, and again. To make sorting through games’ self-assured recapitulation easier, though, I put together a list of every major remake and remaster you’ll be able to play in 2023.
Some of these games are already available and feature only small changes, like the updated Persona 3 Portable or sharpened Kirby’s Return To Dreamland Deluxe, but other projects were hit by more rejuvenating waves, like the overhauled Dead Space and forthcoming Resident Evil 4 remake. So take a trip to 10 years ago. Learn how to make the old new again. Keep reading.