Can we ever truly know the nature of the sea? Primordial creatures lurk in its depths. It’s powered by outer space. We still don’t understand how eels reproduce. In Valheim, however, it’s a bit simpler: The ocean is a trampoline.
On the Valheim subreddit, a player named HotGuuuuu recently unveiled the fruits of multiple days of labor: A gargantuan, gravity defying ramp that took an absurd amount of time to assemble even with the assistance of cheats. To christen the ramp, HotGuuuuu spawned a boat at the top and flew down the side of a mountain.
The inevitable outcome of this Godzilla-sized take on a high school physics experiment, of course, was a collision with the ocean. And indeed, HotGuuuuu’s seacraft did eventually make it out to sea—at several hundred miles per hour. This caused the boat to bounce hundreds of feet into the sky, at which point it tumbled end over end until its voyage finally concluded in the branches of a forest.
Questions remain about HotGuuuuu’s findings. Did the boat bounce off the ocean itself, or did it make contact with the bottom of the shallows so rapidly that it only appeared to ping off the surface of the sea? Where, in the great superhero sandwich of particles and collisions that is the universe, is the trampoline? We may never know. All I can say for certain is that the boat bounced, and that’s proof enough for me that the trampoline exists.