Former Team Ninja lead Tomonobu Itagaki has set up shop at Valhalla Game Studios, aligning himself with numerous ex-developers of Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden games, all working together to focus on just one game... for now.
Itagaki tells 1UP that "Valhalla will compete in the field of mainstream, packaged games so it wouldn't be effective to thin our ranks by dividing our 50-man staff into different projects." Whatever that project is, the former Team Ninja head says it's "of a scale on which I have never worked on before."
Details on Valhalla's debut game are expected "soon," but Itagaki confirms that the game has been in development for at least 1000 sake bottles.
"During this period I've consumed at least 1,000 shochu sake bottles. I've also shot a million photos with my D-SLRs," he confirms. "I've put over 2,000 train cars on my railway model layouts."