This promo clip looks like it could be promoting a myriad of things, the least of which is pro cycling. But that's why the Nagoya Keirin Association had Japanese character designer Ikuo Nakamura and anime studio Madbox whip this up. The result is a jubblie anime lady named Pist-Star.
Keirin is track cycling, which originated in Japan in 1949 (see its Wiki for more). Fans not only cheer on cyclists, they also bet on who will win, much like horse racing—which is apparently why a cycling betting site, named K-Dreams, spearheaded the Pist-Star project.
The ridiculous mascot character is supposed to drum up interest in Nagoya's professional cycling circuit, which it has done. With enormous anime boobs.
古屋競輪の協力のもと誕生した萌えキャラ「ぴすとちゃん」のPVがいろいろと強烈で話題に! [たっけたけにしてやんよ]