So we've heard a little bit about LittleBigPlanet's saleable user-created assets, but does that mean you'll have to pay for everything? Not so, Sony's David Reeves told Eurogamer, clarifying that all user-generated content will be free at the game's launch.
"SCEE and Media Molecule can guarantee that all consumer-generated content will be free at launch. We know how important this is to the LBP community and what we want most is for people to enjoy playing, creating and sharing their content," Sony told Eurogamer.
Monetizing user-generated content has been a hot-button issue in video games' adjacent virtual worlds sector, where casual multiplayer social games usually rely on microtransactions support to make money, and community content to drive engagement. It'll be interesting to see whether LittleBigPlanet can set the standard for bridging those two worlds with what Reeves calls an "iTunes meets eBay" system.
How willing are you, Kotaku readers, to pay for something another player has made? Or will you just stick to the free stuff?
All LBP user content to be free at launch [Eurogamer]