Talk amongst yourselves, after dark, in this thread, where anything and everything from pop culture to nerdy pursuits to personal anecdotes goes down. And sometimes we talk about how pretty Sucker Punch looks.
The studio dropped a new, widescreen look at Zack Snyder's next movie about attractive women doing... something... in the form of a big old banner, which Collider is hosting in hi-res downloadable sizes. Honestly, I have no idea if this movie is going to be anything but the sweetest of eye candy, but I'm way past caring.
Anyway, please chat wildly and turn us on to new and interesting things. Things like these!
- How the ending of Return of the Jedi could have gone horribly wrong - the Rebel Alliance has performed poor due-diligence on the likely environmental effects of destroying the Death Star II.
- Glock sales way up after Arizona shooting - You can't buy this kind of publicity. :\
- McDonald's new plan to bring obesity to Japan - Enjoy those bigger burgers, guys!