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Twitter Mob Gangs Up On Square Enix Honcho [Update]

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Final Fantasy XIII, which was previously an PS3 exclusive in Japan, is coming to the country's Xbox 360 console. Square Enix boss Yoichi Wada has been catching all kinds of hell from Japanese gamers for the decision.

Square Enix and the game's staffers had been saying definitively for years that Final Fantasy XIII was only going to be released on the PS3 in Japan.


Some Japanese Twitter users have been expressing disbelief via messages sent to Wada's account, @yoichiw. Others have been far more vicious, calling him a liar, a money grubber and treacherous.


While some said they would not buy the Xbox 360 version, others have been questioning how Square Enix runs its business.

Square Enix did say over and over again that Final Fantasy XIII would only be available on the PS3 in Japan. That doesn't seem to be the case any more.


Update: While the vast majority of tweets seem relatively innocuous, there are a couple in which people are saying that they hope Wada gets injured, stabbed or, even, killed.

【裏切りましたね?】Xbox360版『FF13』発売決定で非難の声が殺到!? [オレ的ゲーム速報@刃]