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Twilight in the Kingdom of the Week in Gaming Apps

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This week we featured five different titles across several different platforms in our daily Gaming App of the Day posts, but that doesn't matter to you, does it? No, you're too busy playing Kingdom Rush.

You care not for the needless expense of classic shooter Rayforce, or the under-delivering action of One Epic Game. You've not heeded the sweet siren call of Puzzlejuice, with its punishing mix of Tetris and Boggle. Perhaps the odd Android gamer has lost his or herself in Osmos HD, but that's old hat to iOS gamers.

Nah, their playing Kingdom Rush. I can smell it on them. And now that it's the weekend I might just join them.


Dirty kingdom rushers!

If you have a suggestion for an app for the iPhone, iPad, Android or Windows Phone 7 that you'd like to see highlighted, let us know.


12 Bucks Is A Lot for an Old Game


Rayforce was first released in Japanese arcades in 1993-when I was fifteen. The game is now out on the iOS. For $11.99. More »

Now Android Gamers Can Feel the Heavenly Pull of Osmos


That it took so long for PC, MAC, and iOS masterpiece Osmos to reach Android devices is a tiny bit of suck which absorbs smaller sucks until it's the biggest suck of them all. The Ubersuck, if you will, master of all that sucks. More »

Puzzlejuice Blends Bejeweled, Tetris and Scrabble into an Addictive Treat


Peanut butter and chocolate. Trenchcoats and cyberpunk. Some great-tastes-that taste great-together are obvious. At first blush, the Tetris-and-Scrabble fusion that Puzzlejuice presents doesn't look like it's going to be appetizing at all. But, the indie iOS release winds up being one of the most delicious mash-ups ever. More »

Kingdom Rush Is the Tower Defense Game Everyone Is Rightfully Raving About


One of the first stories of infatuation that I heard about the iPad game Kingdom Rush involved a man and a woman who were in love with each other and in love with Kingdom Rush. More »

With a Wink, One Epic Game Shrewdly Delivers Less Than It Promises


Having reviewed the likes of Matt Hazzard: Blood, Bath and Beyond, I was prepared to dislike One Epic Game, a platformer set in, let's see here, yes, "an alien invasion right in the middle of a zombie outbreak in a fantasy kingdom somewhere in a post-apocalyptic wasteland." That's from a cutscene. "With World War II also involved somehow." More »