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Turn Out The Stars

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Greetings, camp Kotaku. It's friday evening, and that means it's officially the weekend! I hope you had a fun week. I sure did. We welcomed more simultaneous voices to Kotaku than... maybe ever?

Plus, we rolled out our plan to offer regularly programmed chunks of programming, sort of like we're a TV network. (They're still just regular Kotaku posts, though—we're not actually becoming a TV channel.)


I am really excited about this, too, especially about my "Kotaku Melodic" music thing on Thursdays. It'll start next week!


That image above is the late great pianist Bill Evans. I probably won't get to write about him since he didn't really do any video game music, but he's still amazing.


Anyway! I am blabbering, but this is your open thread. Here are a few things from around the internet today to aid you on your quest for fine conversation.


That's what I've got. Have good chatting, and a lovely weekend.