Crafted by Yuke's and published by Titus Software in North America for the original PlayStation, Evil Zone is a fighting game that uses only two buttons for battle. I'm guessing they couldn't afford more buttons after shelling out big bucks for this amazing voice-over work. "I'm gibbering nonsense!"
Often cited in compilations covering the worst video game dialog of all time, we (video editor Christopher Person and I) decided it was time for a lengthier look at what makes the game so horrendously glorious. All it really took was Christopher typing the game's title into the chat window, really. This is one of the few non-RPG PSone games I own, and the video demonstrates why.
Since Evil Zone is a parody of popular anime tropes of the day — the magical girl, the space ranger, the satanic anti-hero, etc. — it's hard to say if the dialog was butchered on purpose or not. Whatever the case, it's pure comedy gold.