What? It's time for the nightly off-topic open thread on Kotaku? I guess I can pause this Dark Souls trailer and whip up a post for folks to chat in. But this trailer must be re-re-re-re-watched!
You ever have one of those trailers, whether it be for a video game or movie, that forces you to pore over every detail? The kind that you've watched dozens of times, hoping to unearth some new nugget of information—that's what I'm talking about. Boy, did I watch that Star Wars: Episode I trailer a lot. Let's hope Dark Souls goes a little better.
If you want to talk about movie trailers, video games or any of the following things, now's your chance.
- The White Stripes are officially over - A message from the band explains why.
- Everything Is A Remix - Part two!
- How your last name affects (one aspect of) your behavior - Specifically, how you alphabetically rank: "the farther back in the alphabet the first letter of your surname falls, the quicker you're likely to chase some enticing new consumer offer"
- Match.com buys OKcupid - As long as the great number crunching blog posts keep coming.
- Walt Mossberg's review of the Verizon iPhone - Fewer dropped calls than AT&T, but other trade-offs exist.
- io9 looks at Star Trek: TNG: XXX - If you like sci-fi and porn, don't miss it.