To the chagrin of Kotaku, this year's Tokyo Game Show will be in September. Such a bad idea. But hey, they've been doing this show for twenty years. So that must mean they know what they're doing.
This year is the show's 20th anniversary, and The Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association, the TGS organizers, hope to attract more visitors from Asia by hosting a Asian gaming industry forum to discuss the future of gaming in the continent.
TGS 2010 will be held from September 16 to September 19 in Chiba, outside Tokyo. With the glut of game shows in the late spring and summer, the Tokyo Game Show would be way better suited to a late fall date.
At last year's Tokyo Game Show, Capcom developer Keiji Inafune stated, "Personally when I looked around [at] all the different games at the TGS floor, I said 'Man, Japan is over. We're done. Our game industry is finished.'"
This event needs to be held later in the year.