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Someone On Tinder Made A Game About What It’s Like To Date Them

People do crazy things for just a little Super Liking here and there

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A phone screen displays the Tinder app.
Photo: STR/NurPhoto (Getty Images)

There is a bottomless dress-up box filled with things that people look for in a partner. You might prefer someone who is funny or empathetic, I consider myself lucky to have ended up with someone who never had an AJR phase. And I’m sure, out there somewhere, there is a person who wouldn’t want to date anyone who doesn’t demonstrate their proficiency in C++ within the first 40 seconds of knowing them. And for that person, this Tinder user who made an entire lo-fi video game about dating them is likely the one.

Games journalist Imogen Mellor first spotted the game after its creator Super Liked (that’s an extra, extra like for the folks at home who can’t recall the horrors of online dating) her profile on Tinder.


“I swear to God,” she said on Twitter, “someone just Super [Liked] me on Tinder and they’ve made a game about dating them????? and you can actually PLAY IT???”


The game is a 32-bit slice-of-life, complete with a character creator and seemingly unprompted Zelda: Breath of the Wild endorsement.


Unlike other 32-bit indie games, though, this one is tailored to fit its creator’s dating needs exactly.

“It’s a browser game that contains info about the creator, their hobbies, passions, food preferences, a little video of foxes playing in their garden, a 3D model of their home, and a compatibility test,” Mellor tweeted. “I’m floored.” She didn’t respond to Kotaku’s request for comment in time for publication.


Providing strangers with a 3D model of your home feels like a security risk to me, personally, but I guess it’s important to always map out your exits when you’re dating a gamer. This one, in particular, “worked on an AI that was capable of getting to grandmaster in Starcraft II,” Mellor said, and she hasn’t “swiped left or right simply out of brain freeze on if I just want to talk to him.”


“This person must be very specific with the type of women they’re pursuing,” she said. “Actually, the game suggests as much with a full list of things they’re looking for in a person.” Well, it’s clear that we all learned something from this. Online dating makes everyone act in very healthy and normal ways. Good luck out there.