What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
QUOTE | "Xbox Live is going to lose out."—Tim Schafer, CEO of Double Fine, talking about what Microsoft should do to stem the migration of developers away from Xbox Live.
QUOTE | "You belong in a subset of human beings in a circle of Hell."—Brenda Garno Braithwaite, COO of Loot Drop, talking about what she calls the "disgusting subject" of social and mobile game cloning.
QUOTE | "Wii U is going to have to adopt a Trojan Horse philosophy."—Veteran game journalist Chris Morris on what Nintendo should and shouldn't do with the Wii U to in order to be a hit.
QUOTE | "We monetize revenge." -Will Harbin, CEO of Kixeye, talking about how Kixeye's hard-core social games generate much more money per daily active user than Zynga's games.
STAT | 1.4 petabytes – The amount of data in Zynga's entire database, more than 10x the data required to store every Netflix movie in HD, according to Zynga CTO Allan Leinwand.
QUOTE | "I know this sounds crazy, but this will look better and play better than consoles."—David Perry, CEO of Gaikai, talking about how their game-streaming technology performs.
QUOTE | "It was offensive. I'll cop to that. I regret that. But there was nothing about it that said there was a hatred or dislike or distrust of women."—Twisted Metal creator David Jaffe, explaining his remarks about Twisted Metal that sparked some controversy, especially among female gamers.
QUOTE | "Major Japanese companies are canceling all projects intended for Vita."—Comments from unnamed source quoted by Kiyoshi Shin, former head of the Japanese IGDA, which Sony says is "largely exaggerated."
QUOTE | "You mean PsychoNotch? We're talking. He meant it."—Tim Schafer, CEO of Double Fine, talking about Minecraft creator Markuss 'Notch' Persson's offer to help fund a Psychonauts sequel.
QUOTE | "Capcom is now at a crossroads."—David Radd, Senior Editor at IndustryGamers.com, on whether they can make new AAA games like Dragon's Dogma a hit or if they ought to put more into mobile games growth.
STAT | $50 million—Amount Sony will be spending on marketing PS Vita to consumers in a massive blowout on television, print, and signage.
This Week in the Business courtesy of IndustryGamers.com
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