What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
QUOTE | "Xbox 360 exclusives are becoming fewer."—David Cole, analyst at DFC Intelligence, talks about Microsoft's overall entertainment and apps focus taking away from the company's securing game exclusives.
QUOTE | "Consoles are in trouble."—Gene Hoffman, CEO of Vindicia, in an industry panel at CES talking about digital distribution, streaming, and next-generation consoles.
QUOTE | "We expect great software support for Wii U." -Scott Moffitt, Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Nintendo of America, promising that the Wii U will have a steady flow of great software.
STAT | 8 percent– Amount game industry sales dropped in 2011 over 2010, counting only hardware and software sold in retail stores.
QUOTE | "I couldn't be more happy."—EA COO Peter Moore, describing how well the launch of Star Wars: The Old Republic has gone so far.
QUOTE | "The waters in games journalism are actually pretty calm."—Peer Schneider, Senior Vice President of Content Publishing at IGN entertainment, stating his belief that games journalism is undergoing less upheaval than other vertical markets.
QUOTE | "Streaming will not replace console gaming."—GameStop CEO Paul Raines, speaking about his company's Spawn Labs streaming technology and what it means to traditional gaming.
STAT | 1.7 million—Number of Xbox 360s sold by Microsoft in December, which meant it was the #1 selling console for the US for 2011.
QUOTE | "Tablets are turning out to be great gaming devices."—RW Baird Analyst Colin Sebastian, talking about the rumored iPad 3 and how it will be a good for games.
QUOTE | "We should see new boxes in the market for Christmas of 2012."—Anonymous developer source noting when he expects to see new consoles from Microsoft and Sony.
STAT | 1 Million – Number of copies of World of Goo downloaded through the App Store so far, with over 500,000 downloaded on Android.
This Week in the Business courtesy of IndustryGamers.com
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