What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
QUOTE | "We're very far from seeing everything the PS3 can do."–David Cage, designer of Heavy Rain, talking about the still untapped horsepower of the PS3.
QUOTE | "Traditional developers are scared."-Colt McAnlis, Developer Advocate for Google, talking about how game developers feel about the the mobile, social, and web game markets.
QUOTE | "We look at a billion as a very doable number."—Rob Dyer, head of platform partners at Zynga, talking about the number of players Zynga expects to have in the future.
STAT | 20% – Amount US retail sales of video game hardware, software and accessories at retail dropped for February 2012 sales.
QUOTE | "We totally ignore adults out there."—David Cage, talking about how most companies are making video games for the audience of kids and teenagers.
QUOTE | "Make games that a Zynga couldn't clone."—Tim Sweeney, Epic CEO, talking about the strategy that indies need to follow in creating games.
STAT | 80%—According to Spry Fox CCO Daniel Cook, that's the proportion of developers working for studios that copy the success of others.
QUOTE | "The customer is basically saying they think we're greedy."—David Jaffe, designer of Twisted Metal, talking about how consumers feel games are too expensive.
STAT | 39 million.—Total number of Wii consoles sold in the US in the product's lifetime, according to Nintendo.
QUOTE | "Any publisher who says that they don't worry about burnout is probably not being honest."—Tony Key, Senior Vice President of sales and marketing at Ubisoft, talking about whether the success of the Assassin's Creed franchise will continue.
QUOTE | "I think we'll do another big game again."—Tim Schafer, designer of Psychonauts, on whether his Double Fine Productions will be doing another big budget AAA project.
This Week in the Business courtesy of IndustryGamers.com
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