What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
QUOTE | "Nintendo has to let Mario games on non-Nintendo devices."—Nanako Imazu, Tokyo stock analyst, talking about what Nintendo has to do to reverse its massive loss for last year.
QUOTE | "This is the bombshell waiting to go off."—Rob Fahey, veteran game journalist, talking about kids spending massive amounts on free-to-play games without their parents' knowledge.
STAT | 151%—The huge rise in iPad sales during Apple's second fiscal quarter, as the company managed to sell through another 11.8 million iPads.
QUOTE | "LucasArts effectively canned a game that was finished."—Steve Ellis, co-founder of Free Radical Design, talking about the events that lead to the collapse of their studio.
STAT | 10.5 million—Total number of Wii and Wii U consoles, combined, that Nintendo is predicting they will sell in the period from March 2012 to March 2013.
QUOTE | "It's weird that [second-hand] is still allowed."—Rasmus Hojengaard, Crytek's director of creative development, talking about how it'd be great if consoles could block the use of used games.
QUOTE | "If Nintendo wants consumers to adopt the Wii U, it needs more than competitive graphics and another gameplay gimmick." —Chris Grant, Editor-in-Chief of Polygon, with other editors talking about what Nintendo should do to make the Wii U successful.
QUOTE | "You will see bigger publishers start to get nervous." —Investor and entrepreneur Steve Dengler, talking about how the Kickstarter publishing model could change the game industry.
STAT | $5 billion —Size of the Korean game market in 2016, up from $2.7 billion today, according to a report from analyst firm DFC Intelligence.
QUOTE | "The company thought we had rocks in our head."—EA Sports President Andrew Wilson, recalling how EA responded when he gave a presentation that said they could get 11 v 11 players online in FIFA Soccer.
STAT | 670 million—The number of tablet devices expected to be in use globally, with Apple's iPad accounting for a third of all new purchases in 2016 according to Forrester Research.
QUOTE | "It is an epic franchise that has trail-blazed more than a few industry-leading player experiences."—Chuck Beaver, story producer on EA's Dead Space franchise, publicly eating his previous words saying Epic's Gears of War has the worst writing in games.
This Week in the Business courtesy of GamesIndustry International
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