QUOTE | “Worry is the gun to your head. It changes how you make decisions.” - Obsidian Entertainment CEO Feargus Urquhart on surviving 13 years in AAA development and how “I thought we would have been purchased by now.”
Elsewhere in the business of gaming this week...
QUOTE | “[VR] kind of scares me as an investor.” - Veteran venture capitalist Mitch Lasky talking at Casual Connect about how VR is a “dramatically overfunded space” that’s too risky.
QUOTE | “My goal as a developer is not to get rich and live a lavish lifestyle at the expense of gamers.” - Independent developer Edward McNeill talking in a session at Casual Connect USA about why some developers commit to VR exclusives.
STAT | 26% - The decline in US video game sales for NPD’s June reporting period; the $652 million tally includes NPD’s digital tracking for the first time.
QUOTE | “There is a lot of fraud among live streamers, with some of them actively buying fake viewers to raise their ranking.” - SuperData analyst Joost van Dreunen talking about some of the obstacles to growth for the eSports industry, which should still pass $1 billion next year.
QUOTE | “I think the me of today, the 18 years older me, shouldn’t damage the game my younger self made.” - Veteran Japanese developer Goichi Suda (aka Suda51) describing his feelings as he works towards bringing his first game, The Silver Case, to a global audience nearly two decades later.
QUOTE | “Anyone that comes too hard out of the gate declaring their game an eSport, that’s kinda the kiss of death.” - Hi-Rez Studios’ co-founder and COO Todd Harris talking on a Casual Connect panel about the state of eSports and how its “Wild West” period is starting to draw to a close.
STAT | $39.8 billion – The huge market cap Nintendo achieved recently, nearly doubling its value in a week and surpassing Sony on the Tokyo stock exchange thanks to Pokémon GO.
QUOTE | “...location-based games have yet to have their day in the sun. With Pokémon GO it appears that their day has come and they’re ready to shine.” - Mobile game designer Wesley Leviton, who created the location-based game Life is Crime, offers advice to Niantic on how to improve Pokémon GO in the weeks and months ahead.
STAT | 22.8% - The percentage of shares that French conglomerate Vivendi now owns in publisher Ubisoft; the media giant insists it’s not looking at “acquiring control of the company.”