Folks, if you'd like to talk amongst yourselves about a variety of topics, video game related or not, this is your shot. Tonight's open thread is all yours, so let's make the best of it.
Should be a crazy week, with Mr. Brian D. Crecente here in Los Angeles prepping for the big E3 2011 show. I'll be joining him on assignment later this week to see big games early, so expect excitement and vague hints about upcoming games. Just kidding, it's all embargoed!
Here are few conversation starters. Please give us some of your own in the comments below.
- Now this is how you rush the field at a baseball game -
- Seth MacFarlane is rebooting The Flintstones - Family Guy creator doing TV shows and films.
- Trailer for Alcatraz, JJ Abrams' new show - Hey, it's got Hurley! Looks potentially very neat.
- Donald Trump won't run for president - Well, I never saw this one coming! I need to sit down...
- 18 places Google Maps won't let you see - I want to live on a huge mosaic.