It really, really does. Shame because so much of the art for the 3DS game is stunning. This newly announced Bravely Default isn't for the 3DS, however. It's a free-to-play browser game called Bravely Default: Praying Brage.
The game's main illustrator is Square Enix's Akihiro Yoshida, who worked on Bravely Default. Yoshida's work is fantastic. However, there are a slew of "guest" illustrators, such as Yukio Nakahara (work pictured). That's the problem. The shortcomings of the guest illustrators are all the more noticeable, because the original game's art is so damn good.
Compare with the game art for the original 3DS game.
スクエニの新作ブラゲの絵がヒドイ [あじゃじゃした-]