Terra Formars follows the struggle between humans and roaches for supremacy on Mars. Originally a manga, the anime's first three episodes have been censored to the point that it's distracting.
In the anime, there are black bars and dots cover parts deemed unsuitable—like bad Photoshops. Here, have a look:
[Photo: 2ch]
[Photo: miangraham]
[Photo: 2ch]
And if you are wondering what kind of stuff is being edited, here is a comparison with the original manga:
[Photo: tagoal]
Note that this is how the anime is appearing on Japanese television and in online streams. It seems that blood and gore is getting the blunt end of the censorship stick, but other things are not.
Crunchyroll stated it will be streaming Terra Formars uncensored "at a later date." Or you could also get wait for the Blu-ray release.
Ungh. Censorship is actually making the anime worse.
But, at least, some people online have a good sense of humor about this whole thing.
テラフォーマーズ第3話感想 敵はGじゃなくて黒い●と判明ww規制が酷過ぎてシリアスなグロシーンがギャグに見えるお! [おっさんのアニメ声優ゲーム情報局]
Top pic: hikol
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