Anyone who films himself or herself ranting about a ban and posting it online might have issues. Anyone who does that while wearing a plastic bag might be nutso.
In this video, a PS3 owner, who was apparently banned from the PlayStation Network, bitched and moaned—while wearing a several snuggies and a plastic bag on his head. He punched out holes so he could see, but not one so he could breathe (because that would make too much sense).
Apparently, the guy was banned over some sort of spat that broke out during Call of Duty. He and another player traded messages and insults, and according to the dude in this video, his own superb FPS skills caused jealously.
The individual isn't only upset that he was banned, but super pissed that he spent ¥10,000 (US$124) on his account over the past four years. He gets so worked up that he tries to tear a manga in half. And fails.
4年間鍛えたオンラインゲームの1万円課金アカウントがBANされマジギレ [YouTube via NicoNico Douga]