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They Want Us To Decide Which Kardashian Sister Is The Hotter Medieval Video Game Character

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When I think of the Kardashian sisters, I don't think of things that make sense. I think of a world of people who are famous for being famous, who get a reality show by accomplishing the feat of being a Kardashian.

In this crazy world, I guess it's no great leap to think that a video game company will grant its customers a 60% discount on a soccer game... only after encouraging them to vote on which of two virtual medieval Kardashian sisters looks hotter.

Before you answer, study up! Atop this post you can see three real-life Kardashians. Kourtney's on the right. Khloe is in the middle. Kim, who may have been too cool for this stunt, is on the left.


Got it? And now the video game versions...

I understand that you might be confused. I defy you to tell me which Kardashian we're seeing in the shot to the left here.


And which one is this?

One of these is Kourtney Kardashian, as rendered in The Sims Medieval.

The other is Khloe Kardashian.

This whole thing is being orchestrated by game publisher EA, which makes the Sims game and the FIFA soccer game that is eligible for a discount (EA didn't make the Kardashians). The game company doesn't even seem to care who wins the vote, since they'll activate the discount as soon as cumulative 1000 people simply "like" the Facebook page where the images appear. So the vote doesn't matter. Of course not! You can't even tell them apart. Old people in Florida had an easier time in 2000 distinguishing Pat Buchanan from Al Gore.


If you can think of an even more random stunt for EA to pull in the name of selling a game cheap, feel free to share in the comments.