Are you a Dragon Age II fan that wasn't planning on purchasing Dead Space 2? Perhaps a free limited edition suit of armor can change your mind. Arise, Sir Cross-Promotion!
Back when Mass Effect 2 came out, players that had also played the original Dragon Age: Origins scored a special suit of Blood Dragon armor. Since Mass Effect 3 is still a ways out, this time around BioWare is teaming up with fellow EA developer Visceral Games to grant Dragon Age II players a special outfit based on the armor worn by Dead Space protagonist Isaac Clarke.
They're calling it the armor of Ser Isaac of Clarke, and despite the silly name it looks quite sexy. Unfortunately it's heavy armor, so if you plan on making your version of Dragon Age II's hero Hawke a caster or a rogue you'll have to hand it off to a non-player character.
Instructions on how to redeem the Ser Isaac armor will be included in copies of Dead Space 2 for the Xbox 360, PC, and PlayStation 3 when it comes out next week.