I couldn't find the words to respond to the appearance of that most unacceptable of racial slurs in a random game of Letterpress on my iPhone this weekend. Luckily I found the right letters.
Letterpress is an iOS word game in which friends or total strangers can take turns using a set amount of letters to spell out words. Once checked against the game's dictionary, the player's word is registered, taking possession of any unclaimed letters in the grid. The game ends when all letters are claimed, with the player owning the most winning.
This random game really should have ended after the racial slur showed up on my screen, but I saw an opportunity and went for it. I ended up losing the game anyway.
I'm not saying that friends shouldn't be able to write any words they wish to each other, no matter how insensitive. I'm just saying that perhaps the word restrictions should be a little bit more stringent when playing against random players, so I don't have to deal with this bullshit.