When you are shopping for iPhone cases, you probably want something durable, something strong. You probably do not want something that weighs over 4.5 pounds and could be used as a murder weapon in Clue.
Dubbed the "One-Inch Armored Case", the case can possibly stop a 50-calibre bullet. Priced at ¥52,500 (US$648), the case comes in two colors: black or white.
The One-Inch Armored Case's maker doesn't guarantee your iPhone will survive a shootout, and it actually recommends that only people over 18 use this case. "Don't let little kids handle the case," the official site points out.
Those who shell out for the case get their own 12.7 "dummy" cartridge. Dummy, indeed.
1インチ装甲ケース [Marudai]