Once again, it is time to kill some zombies. World War Z comes out this week and brings with it thousands of zombies. Literal hordes of zombies. I might even say too many zombies. How much time do you think I have, World War Z. Do you think I can kill all of these things? I got things to do, folks.
I watched some gameplay of World War Z a moment ago, before writing this, and I was immediately reminded of that fact that we don’t have a Left 4 Dead 3. Not a knock on World War Z, it looks fine. But why are we this many years away from L4D2 and we have no official update on a sequel? I hate it.
Outside the zombies of World War Z, the week is filled with some other releases. Final Fantasy X/X-2 are showing up on some new platforms, Katana Zero looks amazing and Switch owners get to experience the cartoon platformer Cuphead. And look, hidden on this list is a Vita game. That little console will never die. It is like a zombie!
Other stuff is coming out this week! Check out the list below:
Monday, April 15
- Graveyard Keeper | PS4
- VAST | PC, Mac
- Franchise Wars | PC
- One Finger Death Punch 2 | PC
- Back To 1998 | PC, Mac
Tuesday, April 16
- World War Z | PS4, Xbox One, PC
- Eternity: The Last Unicorn | Xbox One
- Ghost Giant | PS4
- Heaven’s Vault | PS4, PC, Mac
- Path To Mnemosyne | PS4
- My Time At Portia | PS4, Xbox One, Switch
- Anno 1800 | PC
- Table Of Tales: The Crooked Crown | PS4
- Dark Quest 2 | PS4
- Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD | Xbox One, Switch
- Tanks Meet Zombies | Switch
Wednesday, April 17
- Truberbrook | PS4, Xbox One, Switch
- Revenant Saga | Xbox One
- Snooker 19 | PS4, Xbox One, PC
- 30 Days To Survive | PC
- Tether Together | PC, Mac
- Paradox Vector | PC
- Foxyland 2 | PC
- Whispers Of A Machine | PC, Mac
- Life Source | PC
- Tropia | PC
- Dumb Little Creatures | PC, Mac
Thursday, April 18
- Katana ZERO | PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, Mac
- The Padre | PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC
- God’s Trigger | PS4, Xbox One, PC
- Our World Is Ended | PS4, Switch
- Nurse Love Syndrome | PC
- Forager | PC
- Cuphead | Switch
- SlabWell: The Quest For Kaktun’s Alpaca | Switch
- DayD: Through Time | Switch
- Sodoku Relax | Switch
- Dawn of Survivors | Switch
- Hell Is Other Demons | Switch
- The Knight & The Dragon | Switch
- Grim Earth | PC
- Super Tennis Blast | PC
- Sigma Theory: Global Cold War | PC, Mac
- Bossgard | PC
- Golf In Paper | PC
Friday, April 19
- Konami Anniversary Collection: Arcade Classics | PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC
- Nurse Love Syndrome | PS Vita
- Moto Rush GT | Switch
- ALPHA | Switch
- You Died But A Necromancer Revived You | Switch, PC
- Maze Of Memories | PC
- bit Dungeon II | PC
- Muscle Magic | PC
Saturday, April 20
- Crystallo | PC
- The Cat And The Box | PC
Sunday, April 21
- Diacrisis | PC
- Room of Pandora | PC