It is nearly 2020 and yet, on this list of games releasing this week, you will find a Wii U game. It’s a Christmas miracle.
Digging around for information about this Wii U game, it was released on the Wii U in Europe back in 2017. And for some reason, in 2019, it is finally coming to the Wii U eShop in the United States.
Beyond a surprise Wii U release, the upcoming pweek is filled with a few smaller games, but not that many. Christmas week is always a bit of barren release week for video games. So this might be the perfect time to clear some games off your backlog or take advantage of holiday sales and pick up something you never played.
Monday, Dec. 23
- Regions Of Ruin | Switch
- Mushroom Quest | Switch
- Clumsy Rush | Switch
- Warhammer Quest 2: The End Times | Switch
- DreamBall | Switch
- Demon’s Tilt | Switch
- Rush Rally 3 | Switch
- Crazy Zen Mini Golf | Switch
- Down To Hell | Switch
- Princess Maker Go!Go! Princess | Switch, PC
- Sacred Stones | Switch
- Regions Of Ruin | Switch
- Card Princess | PC
- SnowBall FPS | PC
- History Racers 2 | PC
- Gala Collider | PC, Mac
- Eternal Battlefield | PC
- Cthulu Saves Christmas | PC
- Grayland | PC
- Bunker 56 | PC
Tuesday, Dec. 24
- Onilken: Unstoppable Edition | Xbox One
- Demon Pit | Xbox One
- XenoRaptor | Xbox One
- Demons And Shotguns | Xbox One
- Tamashii | Xbox One
- Odallus: The Dark Call | Xbox One
- Straimium Immortaly | Xbox One
- Funny Bunny Adventures | Switch
- Drawngeon Dungeons Of Ink And Paper | Switch
- The Adventures Of Elena Temple: Definitive Edition | Switch
- Mirage Online Classic | PC
- Darkness And Flame: Enemy In Reflection | PC
Wednesday, Dec 25
- XenoRaptor | Switch
- Natsuki Chronicles | Xbox One
- Demon Pit | Switch
- Tamashii | Switch
- Straimium | Switch
- Barbarous: Tavern Of Emyr | Switch
- Drop It: Block Paradise | WiiU
- Oniken: Unstoppable Edition | Switch
- 8-Ball Pocket | Switch
- Monster Capture King | PC
- Door2: Key | PC
Thursday, Dec. 26
- Gunma’s Ambition - You And Me Are Gunma | Switch
- Akuto: Showdown | Switch
- Roll’d | Switch
- Journey To New Atlantis | PC
- League Of Pixels | PC
Friday, Dec. 27
- Clocker | Xbox One
- ArcadeArchives VS. Balloon Fight | Switch
- Axiel | PC
- Fungi | PC, Mac
- Tiles Shooter Puzzle Cube | PC
Saturday, Dec. 28
- Model Railway Easily Christmas | PC
- To The Sea: The Courier | PC